[We see Dr. Karl Hoffman, addressing the camera with a friendly demeanor] (Dr. Hoffman My name is Dr. Karl Hoffman, and our office is Karl Hoffman Dentistry, and we're located here in Lacey, Washington. [An aerial drone shot zooms in towards the exterior of the dental practice. The first floor is attractive light brown bricks, complementing grey siding on the second floor. A large sign above the door reads "Karl Hoffman Dentistry"] (Dr. Hoffman) Well, my practice is general family and cosmetic dentistry. We offer all sorts of preventative and restorative services. We do offer early intervention orthopedics for children and where it would benefit the patient, I make good use of specialists. [A closer shot focused on the front door shows a young man, a patient of the practice, opening the glass front door] [From inside the lobby of the practice, we see the patient coming in through the front door into the sleek, modernly designed reception area. He smiles as he approaches the front desk.] (Dr. Hoffman) Problems we solve for the patients is frequently, "what's their problem?" [In an examination room, a dental hygienist leads the patient to the exam chair and he sits down] [We cut to a shot taken a few moments later, showing the patient getting settled in the exam chair and having a friendly conversation with the hygienist] [We briefly return to a shot of Dr. Hoffman speaking] (Dr. Hoffman) They tell me what their main concern is. A lot of times it's discomfort. And a lot of times they don't like how something looks. We do all sorts of orthodontic and restorative procedures to give people the look they want. And also just restoring proper function is really a big deal to a lot of people. [In the exam room, Dr. Hoffman attends to a female patient sitting in the chair. The chair is slowly reclining as the patient speaks to the doctor] [We move to a shot of Dr. Hoffman operating a 3D scanner inside the female patient's mouth. As he navigates it around her mouth, a 3D image of her teeth and gums forms on a nearby computer screen] [We cut to a different angle of the computer screen displaying the 3D model of the patient's teeth] [Dr. Hoffman speaks with the patient. She points to the 3D model on the screen, Dr. Hoffman nods and gestures to the screen as well] [We see another shot of Dr. Hoffman and the patient having a conversation] [We return to a shot of Dr. Hoffman speaking] (Dr. Hoffman) I like to treat my patients the same way I would treat my family. I'm not going to suggest or do anything that is in the patient's best interest. I'm lucky that I have a very experienced team. (Dr. Hoffman) I'm able to work with people that have very good people skills and you won't be a stranger and we won't be a stranger to you. I really focus on being gentle. And then also I think more important is being a good listener. [We see a shot moving down a wide hallway in the practice, showing some of the sleek and clean examination areas. A dental hygienist walks down the hall toward the camera and turns down a corner.] [We see several shots of 2 dental hygienists preparing dental equipment. They organize items onto trays, sterilize stools, and prep equipment for cleaning.] [We move to 2 shots of a staff member working on a computer at the front desk] (Dr. Hoffman) I don't push people. I try to gauge where they're coming from and where they're at. I think that works really well. [We briefly return to a shot of Dr. Hoffman speaking] (Dr. Hoffman) We also like to have a lot of fun I play different types of music every day, and sometimes I kid around a little bit. I have an irreverent sense of humor with people and sometimes, like on kids, I wear goofy glasses and they think I'm being serious and it's just sort of that stuff. [A shot pans across one of the examination rooms. The equipment and decor is bright and clean.] [Another panning shots shows a hallway of the practice that leads into the x-ray area] [We cut to a closer shot of the x-ray machine] [We return to a shot of Dr. Hoffman speaking] What I enjoy most about dentistry Believe it or not, is the relationships that I make with people who are compassionate or caring or gentle. We treat people with respect and I really think they'll see the difference, and they'll leave here smiling. [As Dr. Hoffman finishes speaking, we fade into a shot of Dr. Hoffman and his 5 team members smiling together for the camera] [We transition to a drone shot pulling away from the practice. Over that shot, text reads: "Karl Hoffman Dentistry, 8685 Martin Way SE, Suite 104, Lacey, WA 98516, 360-456-7070, www.karlhoffmandentistry.com]